Rabindranath Tagore For now is the time to cry out for vindication. Cry out , Justice, Cry out now!
Injustice has become the word for today. The world has been set asunder. Right is Wrong! Wrong is Right!
Cry out Justice, Cry out now, For now is the time to cry out against indifference. Still…for how long must history await in Silence this triumph of the insulted man?
Ancestors, hear us – for… We are the descendants of Insulted men!
Ancestors, hear us – for… We are their children.
Aaha mut naa ragal!
Aaha mut naa ragal!
Cry out, Justice, Cry out now… For now is the time the cry out for vindication. Retribution!
Lee…Aaha la – Moitul!
Moitul! Moitul! Moitul! But...Redemption can be yours proclaimith the Lord.
by Joann Sanneh
Aaha mut naa ragal … is a Wolof saying and conviction spoken by the West African Peoples of the Senegambia which means self- avenging justice. Lee…Aaha la … in Wolof means that this is so grave an injustice that we must call to the heaves for forgiveness. Moitul … is the Wolof word for Beware. Rabindranath Tagore was an Indian Poet and Mystic who won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
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