This is a three color, four plates, etching (22"x30") This etching contains an original song composed by Young. The drawing for the etching was done from a photograph of Young's funeral procession that I found in Abraham Chew's book, A Biography of Colonel Charles Young, which Chew published in 1923. On the following page, I have included - along with the photograph used in this etching - the other photographs of Colonel Young's Arlington funeral ceremony and the cover page of Young's Arlington funeral program.
"Colonel Charles Young, U.S.A. Army, the only colored man to attain that rank in the American Army and the last of his race to graduate from West Point, was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery with services participated in by the United States Army, the Grand Army of the Republic, United Spanish War Veterans, Army and Navy Union, the American Legion, unaffiliated veterans of the world war and prominent civilians, both black and white. Final tribute was paid in the massive marble amphitheatre, where only three other persons have been given funeral services. They were two confederate veterans and the unknown soldier. All colored schools closed today out of respect to the memory of the distinguished Negro and were well represented at the services in Arlington." |
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