This etching, which uses eight individual plates, was also made from original photos from Col. Young's personal family files. The slide show that follows both Album Pages contains copies of some of the original Young family pthotographs that appear on the Album pages. There were actually three album pages in the original portfolio, and the slide show, which is titled Legacy of Dignity, clearly shows Colonel Young's family and friends as representatives of an entire generation of African Americans who were proof that any claims of backwardness of black people were but destructive myths created to justify the enslavement of African peoples. The black people who are pictured on these pages and in the slide show are representatives of the first generation of African Americans after slavery who were given equal opportunity before the Destruction of Reconstruction and the creation of Jim Crow Laws began to turn back the hands of progress in race relations in America. Unfortunately, we have yet to recover from the damage that was done to race relations at that time. |
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